
Blogging Complex

Since starting this little blog. (And by little I mean small. And by small I mean sometimes I have no idea what I'm doing blogging. And by that I mean.....I wonder if anyone really cares what I'm talking about. Because I seem to be mostly talking about my kids, Jake & Laney and giveaways.) I have heard it all! From kudos to questions of why?! So it makes me think. Am I really reaching anyone? And if I am....what do they take away from HTB?!?!?!?!
I have a million ideas for the HTB blog but sometimes I'm not sure how to execute them. In hopes of being inspired I surf the net looking at some fantastic blogs out there in cyberspace and regularly come across blogs that are already centered around those millions of ideas I have. It's all been done before. I get a bit discouraged. Then I think......EVERYTHING IN LIFE has been done before! So I guess I should just jump into it! Blog about what makes me go "hmmmmmm", have a laugh doing it and make some blogging friends along the way!
The first thing to accomplish is a new look for HTB. It's in the works so, CHECK! Second thing, create buzz. Ok....now I think there's been a little buzz out there about HTB so I guess I can say CHECK to this one, too, but I also understand that this is a constant goal! The third thing, GET A FANTASTIC CAMERA! This will have to wait until Santa decides to come a knocking, soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, MAKE CHRISTMAS LIST & BE A GOOD GIRL!
In the meantime, I will continue to explore my world around me. Read a bit more, find inspiration in the things I experience and write it all down here ~ for you to read. I just keep telling myself....if you blog it...they will come! I hope!


  1. You have to start somewhere & you're doing a great job! Looking forward to all the great thing HTB has in store.

  2. Right again.... love it


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