
Girl's got it goin' on!

So, I know that this is a sensitive subject and it's certainly not anything to discuss at the dinner table, but I can't help it! DELANEY POOP'D IN THE POTTY TODAY!!!!!!!! I'm sure, if you've found my blog (the 7 of you that have) you either have toddlers or children of your own or you know us and love and delight in hearing of Jake & Laney's daily accomplishments. So hearing me gush about my daughter's bathroom habits isn't a total gross out for you. So let me tell the story of today.

I took Jake, Delaney, Shelby & Danielle (my neighbor's girls), Kyle (another neighborhood boy)and Samantha & Ricky (the kids I'm watching for the summer) to see Night at the Museum ~ Battle of the Smithsonian. After the movie was over and I got everyone home safely I asked Laney if she'd like to try to use the potty before taking a nap. Like clockwork, we were in the bathroom cheering that she'd pee'd. After giving each other a high-five (yes, me and Laney) I told her that it's ok to poo-poo in the potty, too. And as if she were just waiting for me to tell her those very words.....she said "Bye Poo-Poo" and I'll be darned...SHE'D POOP'D!

There may be some of you out there who think this is all a bit too perfect, but I swear it's the truth! The girl's just got it goin' on! She's ready! She's willing and she's able! Her brother on the other hand.....he'll take some time. But in any regard, I am so proud of my little mama! Just soooo proud!

For now, enough of that topic....there will be no more posts about her daily conquests with the potty. I'll save that final post for when she's COMPLETELY potty trained and in panties! However, I will inform you when her older (by a whole 60 seconds) brother Jake decides he's ready to conquer the potty himself!

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